Current Projects
Josh Pacheco and his current team of collaborators are creating three new works in the 2019 season and continue to develop past repertory. Each project focuses on integrating new interdisciplinary practices from a wide range of visual and performing art including vocalization, video projection, and art installation.
The “Male Quartet”
-A piece that deconstructs normative bodily desire by queering expectations of form.
Next Performances:
7MPR Dark Lip
Artists In Flight
The Male Quartet tackles how society boxes energy by gender and dictates how dance is displayed and which qualities belong which dancers. The piece comments on how the standards of gendered energies affect attraction and repulsion with in our own bodies and our perceptions of the bodies around us. We translate specific insecurities by displaying scenes of vulnerability and we aim to heal, educate, and mold ourselves by respectful hands.
Next Performances:
January 31st
April 7th
“Ghost Stories and Other Anthologies”
A childlike nightmarish spectacle, JPDT uses stage width fabric and nightlight projectors to create a moving dreamscape of ghostly figures and melodrama.